JavaScript Objects:

Step 1: Understanding Objects:

An object is a complex data type that allows you to store and organize data in a structured way. It is a collection of key-value pairs, where each key is a string and each value can be any data type, including other objects.

Step 2: Creating Objects:

You can create an object using curly braces {}. Here’s a simple example:

This creates an empty object named is “car”

Step 3: Adding Properties:

You can add properties to an object using the dot notation or square bracket notation:

for example:

Dot Notation:

Square Bracket Notation:

Both approaches achieve the same result: adding properties to the “car” object.

Step 4: Accessing Properties:

You can access the properties of an object using dot notation or square bracket notation:

Step 5: Objects with Functions (Methods)

Properties in an object can also hold functions, and these are referred to as methods.

for example:

Step 6: Nested Objects:

Objects can contain other objects, creating a nested structure:


Step 7: Removing Properties:

You can remove a property from an object using the delete keyword:

Step 8: Object Methods:

JavaScript provides built-in methods for working with objects.

For example:

  • Object.keys(obj): Returns an array of a given object’s own property names.
  • Object.values(obj): Returns an array of a given object’s own property values.
  • Object.entries(obj): Returns an array of a given object’s own key-value pairs as.

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