What are GitHub Pages?
GitHub Pages is like a free stage for your website that comes directly from your GitHub storage space. This means you can display your projects, personal website, or blog to everyone without spending money on hosting. And the best part is, it’s easy to set up and take care of – just like putting your work on display for the world to see.
Enabling GitHub Pages:
Pages is a straightforward process. First, navigate to your repository on GitHub. Once you’re on the repository page, click on the “Settings” tab on the right-hand side of the page. Scroll down to the “GitHub Pages” section.
GitHub Pages” part, there’s a menu where you can choose where your website comes from. It starts with “None,” but you can pick the branch you want to show as your website source. It’s like picking which version of your work everyone gets to see.
Once you’ve selected the branch, click on the “Save” button. GitHub Pages will then generate a URL for your website, which you can access by clicking on the link under the “GitHub Pages” section.
Enabling GitHub Pages:
GitHub Pages is up and running, if you want to make it look the way you want, you can do that by adding a file called “index.html” to the main folder of your project. It’s like creating a front page for your site to make it uniquely yours.
GitHub Pages can work with something called Jekyll, which helps in making your site. It’s like a tool that builds your pages, and it allows you to design a special look for your site. You can also use CSS to add more style and make it look just the way you want. It’s like adding your own touch to your online space.
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