In JavaScript, a function expression is a way to define a function inside another expression. It’s like creating a function on the fly without giving it a name. Unlike function declarations, function expressions don’t need a name. They can be immediately invoked, meaning they run as soon as they’re defined. To use a function expression, you store it in a variable and then call it using that variable name. With ES6’s arrow function feature, declaring function expressions becomes even simpler.
Syntax for Function Declaration:
function functionName(x, y) { statements... return (z) };
Syntax for Function Expression (anonymous):
let variableName = function(x, y) { statements... return (z) };
Syntax for Function Expression (named):
let variableName = function functionName(x, y)
{ statements... return (z) };
Syntax for Arrow Function:
let variableName = (x, y) => { statements... return (z) };
Example 2: Code for Function Expression (anonymous)
let calSub = function (x, y) {
let z = x - y;
return z;
console.log("Subtraction : " + calSub(7, 4));
Subtraction : 3
Example 3: Code for Function Expression (named)
let calMul = function Mul(x, y) {
let z = x * y;
return z;
console.log("Multiplication : " + calMul(7, 4));
Multiplication : 28
Example 4: Code for Arrow Function
let calDiv = (x, y) => {
let z = x / y;
return z;
console.log("Division : " + calDiv(24, 4));
Division : 6
JavaScript function* expression:
The function* is an inbuilt keyword in JavaScript which is used to define a generator function inside an expression.
function* [name]([param1[, param2[, ..., paramN]]]) {
Parameters: This function accepts the following parameter as mentioned above and described below:
- name: This parameter is the function name.
- paramN: This parameter is the name of an argument to be passed to the function.
- statements: These parameters comprise the body of the function.
Example 1: Below examples illustrate the function* expression in JavaScript:
// Illustration of function* expression
// use of function* keyword
function* func() {
yield 1;
yield 2;
yield 3;
yield " - Geeks";
let obj = '';
// Function calling
for (const i of func()) {
obj = obj + i;
// Output
123 - Geeks
Example 2: Below examples illustrate the function* expression in JavaScript:
// Illustration of function* expression
// use of function* keyword
function* func2(y) {
yield y * y;
function* func1() {
for (let i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
yield* func2(i);
// Function calling
for (const x of func1()) {
// Output