Top 10 Linux Commands for Users (List):

  • Usage: ls [options] [directory]
  • Explanation: List the files and directories in the specified directory. Common options include -l for detailed listing and -a to show hidden files.

ls: List files and directories.

ls (Change Directory):

Explanation: Changes the current working directory to the specified directory. Use cd without arguments to go to the home directory.

cd: Change directory.

cd directory_name

3.pwd: Print working directory:

Explanation: Displays the full path of the current working directory.


4.cp: Copy files or directories:

Explanation: Copies files or directories from a source to a destination.

cp source_file destination Move or rename files and directories:

Explanation: Moves or renames files and directories. i also be used for simple renaming

mv source destination

6.rm: Remove files or directories:

Explanation: Removes (deletes) files or directories.

rm file_name

7.mkdir: Create a new directory:

Explanation: Creates a new directory with the specified name.

mkdir directory_name Concatenate and display the content of files:

Explanation: Displays the content of a file. Can also be used to concatenate multiple files.

cat file_name

9.nano/vim: Text editors for creating and editing files:

Explanation: Opens a text editor for creating and editing files. nano is beginner-friendly, while vim is more powerful.

nano file_name Access the manual (documentation) for a command:

Explanation: Displays the manual and documentation for a specified command. Provide information on command options and usage.

man command_name

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